Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sri Lanka, Leave me alone!

“Hello, my friend.” “Hello. Where are you going?” “Come here, come here.” I must say that I am excited to be out of Bombay, but I can’t say this is exactly where I wanted to go. These are the phrases that I hear constantly when I walk down the street. I liked to be noticed sometimes, but I also enjoy that in America, I can walk down the street and not be noticed by anybody. Why do these people think I want to talk to them? Why do they feel like they must speak to me? Why do they think they can give me orders and I will listen? Have they ever seen white people? Are they just ignorant? Are they stupid?

Maybe, it’s all of the above. Not everybody acts like this, but it happens so often that it’s difficult to understand why they act the way they do. I think most of these people assume that I have money and starting a conversation with me will somehow get them into my pocket. I can’t imagine anything else that would motivate them to begin a conversation with me. It’s really fucking annoying and from now on, I’m going to reply with smartass comments because I don’t fucking care. I am tired and I don’t have to deal with their bullshit.

Today, I was leaving Bombay and I forgot to take my knife out of my pocket and place it into my luggage. It set off the metal detector and I couldn’t believe that I had made such a foolish mistake. I tried to speak with the security guards so they would let me go back outside the terminal and mail it home. Like many Indians, they were fucking assholes and wouldn’t. They then accused me of intentionally wanting to stab somebody and telling me people don’t make mistakes like forgetting to take things out of their pockets at an airport. After a 10-minute argument and I began raising my voice because they were insulting me, I told them they were stupid and must have never made a fucking mistake. I was really angry and I just wanted to punch this fucker in his jaw. Oh well, fuck ‘em. They live in a city full of pollution, smog, and beaches where the water is so disgusting people don’t swim. I have no intention of ever returning to that piece of shit city and I don’t know if I will ever return to that country.

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